Zanette Johnson PhD

Using her experience as a learning scientist, neuroscientist, dancer, and dharma practitioner, Zanette invites the work of designing for life from a place of joy. Through embodied experiences that reveal and connect, Zanette activates teams and community leaders as they co-create specific new habits with the power to make visionary aspirations into reality. Working with Zanette, teams operationalize and integrate their shared values through a rhythm of rituals, routines, protocols, and practices that can nudge team culture into alignment, small step by step. Designing for behavior change in real world contexts takes sustained attention, accountability, and compassion; Zanette offers her support for change processes as a consultant, facilitator, coach, and experience designer. The practices of our daily lives are the key to changing our world toward resilience— Zanette’s two decades of work with Indigenous learning communities have taught her that values alignment, embodiment, and deep integration are keys to transformation that lasts. Relationship to place and ecology, relationship to kin and community, and relationship to self and shadow are vital elements that inform how each of us walks upon the Earth. Bringing to life new patterns for relationship, resilience, and regenerativity is the work that inspires Zanette’s multifaceted dance with living systems design.


Regenerative Design Practitioner, certified by the Regenesis Group; Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience and Religious Studies; Master’s in Teaching; Doctoral degree from Stanford University’s transdisciplinary “Learning Science and Technology Design” program.